I created this blog so that friends and family can follow my time in Afganistan. I don't promise to update this daily, weekly, or even monthly, but I will update and post when I have the time and internet access.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's been a while......

 Shortly after Christmas, our work here became very slow.  There were not a lot of new projects going on and we all were just working in the rhythm of ANA.  Sometimes just meeting with the Afghans can be a laborsome task, but we didn't do any major missions or big leaps of advancement in our counterparts.  That all changed about a week ago, and now that I know more, I am able to give you all more details.  We were recently tasked with getting a section of our ANA ready for Air Interdiction Missions and thus we had to find and study everything we could on helicopter-borne assaults and raid missions.  Over the past few days, we have arranged and rearranged our own Marine and Sailor team that would lead the ANA and have now moved on to rehearsals.  I have assumed the position of Assistant Assault Force Commander and will be responsible for both the Vehicle Search Team and the Personnel Search Team.  Over the course of the next couple of weeks we will move on to train the ANA and then to do rehearsals with the ANA.  In time, we will start doing Air Interdiction missions as dictated by our higher.  Fortunately, we are the second advisor team to be doing this, and thus have been able to lean on another unit for what has worked and not worked for them.  This will be a major accomplishment if we can train and operate with the ANA in this capacity as it will bring a new dimension to their Army's tactics on disrupting the flow of narcotics and IED components once we leave.  Below I have attached an article and 2 videos that cover the other units actions for a better understanding of what we will be doing.


